Thank you David Filip and Sharon Filip for this great support group, it helps a lot!!!! Following diet with suggestions from this website which helps me out a lot, thank you David Filip and Sharon Filip
Lorna Kalliwai-Castillo
Valley Fever Survivor® EST. 2002 — The Only Organization to Warn and Educate People Worldwide About Valley Fever & Bioterrorism
Testimonials about Valley Fever Survivor and our work
Thank you David Filip and Sharon Filip for this great support group, it helps a lot!!!! Following diet with suggestions from this website which helps me out a lot, thank you David Filip and Sharon Filip
Lorna Kalliwai-Castillo
God Bless you always
Ginny Schwartz
Your group is clearly a great service to many, for information AND support.
John Mann
Thank You for all you do keeping us informed.
Sandy Castro
Early on I bought “Valley Fever Epidemic” by David Filip and Sharon Filip. Read it and learned a LOT. Gave my doc a copy as a patient resource. Sharon/Dave: thank you for doing this teleconference on this increasingly occurring disease. I found your book KEY to my ability to cope w/VF. I hope you never tire of learning how valuable the “Epidemic” book has been to those of us entering VF world and everything that means. Be proud!
Darlene Tunney Rosene
THANK YOU Sharon and David for continuing to share VF information with us all everyday.
Sarah Powell-Trachsel
You are so helpful to so many people.
KimMarie Pozar Gaye
Im so grateful for your continuous support to all of us.
Lauri Huntington
I think Doctors are just scared of what they don’t know. I mean except for this FB page and Sharon and David’s book there is like one paragraph of information on VF when you google it.
Susie Swerda Haiduck
I think you are amazing! …An amazing person who makes a difference in many lives and I hope you know that. I cried like a baby when I read your concern for me. …I cannot tell you how helpful you were when you called me in December and I was terribly ill. Love and positive thoughts to you Sharon I pray you make enough head way this year. You are amazing. Having VF came with the blessing of some purely beautiful souls to enter my life. :)…thank you for leading us in the fight I thank God for you all the time! … your site is so great I wouldn’t want to send anyone anywhere else. …I wish the local news would just contact you first for all stories and info from now on! GOD BLESS YOU
Dear Dave and Sharon, Words cannot express how much you personally and your website/ support network have comforted me throughout my almost 3 year battle with disseminated cocci. You have been working tirelessly for years…Thanks again for all you do you mean more to me than most aunties I have …
Rebekah Leah