At this site or in any repository of information on health related topics, it is essential to understand that it is the reader’s responsibility to consult with the appropriate health care, medical, or legal authority before taking any action. The information presented is for educational purposes only. It is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. In all matters relating to your health, you should regularly consult with your physician. In legal matters, you should consult with an appropriate legal professional. This Terms of Use and Disclaimer document will clarify the reader’s responsibilities further.
Information is also included for issues relevant to the EU Cookie Policy.
Definitions and Considerations of Use
For the purpose of this document “we”, “our” and “VFS” serve as references to Valley Fever Survivor LLC and/or its founders and services provided or actions taken by its founders. For the purpose of this document “you” and “your” refer to the person who uses/reads/views the following three possible items: 1) this site, 2) communications from VFS or made possible by VFS or 3) free or paid information, services or products associated in any way with VFS.
“Use” and “using” are to be defined in the broadest possible terms, including but not limited to the viewing of any aspect of our website, videos, social media, and books, and all forms of direct or indirect communication with VFS, its representatives, and others who may be associated in any way (such as posters at social media locations created by VFS). Any use constitutes your full agreement to and understanding of these terms, notices, and conditions.
Any person or entity contacting VFS or using VFS resources in any way agrees to be bound by any and all guidelines or rules which are incorporated into these terms, notices, and conditions. Any communications to VFS by you automatically means you consent to grant VFS permission to reply with information or to send any additional communication deemed warranted by VFS at any time chosen by VFS, now or in the future.
We reserve the right to change or add to these terms, notices, and conditions at any time and apply these changes retroactively. Your use of VFS, including but not limited to and all materials therein or associated with VFS in social media, by email, by telephone, in video, or by any other means, constitutes agreement to any changes or additions made. It is therefore your responsibility to review these terms, notices, and conditions periodically for further changes.
Any violation of these terms, notices, and conditions may violate trademark laws, copyright laws, and communications regulations and statutes.
Copyright, Trademark, and Service Mark Ownership
The website,, is owned and operated by VFS. The contents of this website and communications made possible by this site or by communications from representatives of VFS (not limited to but including emails, telephone calls, videos, books, social media activity, and message board posts) are protected by trademark and copyright law, all rights reserved. Elements of the work of VFS are protected by trade dress and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part unless express permission is given in writing by representatives authorized to do so by VFS. This written permission, if granted, may include additional stipulations.
No image, text, computer code, logo, or any other data from this website or VFS’ work may be copied, modified, transmitted, reused, reposted, re-transmitted or have its content used for public or commercial purposes unless for sharing with personal medical caretakers or expressly permitted in writing by VFS. You are authorized and highly encouraged to link directly to any page’s URL to share its relevant content. You are authorized to download one copy of the materials on a single computer for your personal, non-commercial use, provided your copy retains all its copyright and other proprietary notices. Please ask a representative of VFS for permission if you wish to produce further copies or to distribute more than just Internet URL links.
Further, any verbal, written, or other communication to representatives of VFS in any manner warrants that the person who develops such communication has authority to and grants VFS the royalty-free, irrevocable, and perpetual right and license to reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, and publish such material, in whole or in part, in any jurisdiction and to utilize or incorporate it in other works in any media, form, or technology now known or later developed, for the full term of any trademark, copyright, patent, or other restriction that may exist in such material for any purpose VFS chooses, without credit, compensation, or notice to the developer of this communication of any kind whatsoever. The developer waives any right to make any claims against VFS relating to any developed material made available to VFS in any solicited or unsolicited submission. The developer further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold VFS harmless in any and all events or actions resulting from the whole or partial use of any material or submission.
Valley Fever Survivor, valleyfeversurvivor, Valley Fever Survivors, VF Survivor, VF Survivors, vfsurvivor, VFS, vfs, slogans and titles (including but not limited to “Valley Fever Sucks,” “Valley Fever Bioterrorist Threat In Your Own Backyard,” “Valley Fever Voices” and other slogans appearing on VFS web presences, videos, social media, T-Shirts and elsewhere), and all VFS-associated graphical imagery are all trademarks and therefore protected by trademark law. In addition, both the logo and the name “Valley Fever Survivor” as a Word Mark are further protected as federally registered marks with the USPTO. Any use of the trademarks displayed on or other VFS materials is strictly prohibited unless explicitly granted in written form by VFS. All original materials found at and other sources of VFS materials are protected by copyright law, all rights reserved. Please be advised that VFS will enforce all of its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, which may include civil litigation or criminal prosecution.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
If you know or suspect that you have a medical problem, understand that your first task should be to contact your health care provider. We are neither doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, nor any type of licensed medical healthcare provider.
Always consult your health care professionals before taking specific action that may affect your health circumstances or health care regime, whether based on any information provided by VFS or any other source. Information provided from VFS is never edited, controlled or approved by the Food and Drug Administration or any other government agency.
We strongly suggest that you seek professional legal representation if you have any legal needs. The information VFS provides about legal proceedings is not suitable on its own for any legal case without a specific determination made by an appropriate legal authority, such as your attorney. We are not attorneys and VFS cannot provide legal representation or legal counseling for you.
Extraordinary effort has been made to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the documents and resources provided on this website and communications by VFS. However, all this information is provided “as is” for educational purposes without warranty. Despite the depth of our research, you as a reader must accept and understand that newly produced research and information may supersede or have greater relevance than what appears in some VFS materials and that errors and omissions may occur from researchers, sources, and organizations cited and/or quoted, or even from VFS itself.
Information from VFS is also not intended to provide specific human or veterinary medical advice or to take the place of the written law, regulations, any form of legal counsel, or any medical professional. We strongly suggest that you seek appropriate legal assistance to determine any legal matter. We strongly suggest that you seek appropriate professional medical assistance if you believe you suffer with any disease or medical condition or are beginning a new food or supplement regimen. In addition, the use of VFS is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, but rather to report on research-based information that applies to general cases or some specific people, but may affect you very differently.
Although our information often comes from extensive research that originated from doctors, policy makers, and lawyers, it is never to be considered medical nor legal advice for any specific person and none of it is ever to be regarded as a substitute or replacement for the service of an appropriate medical professional or legal representative. Instead, information from VFS is educational material that is useful to share with your medical and legal experts to allow them to consider more information in their efforts to serve you well. Our work is designed so you can do your own research prior to any future decision and to bring the fruits of that research to your trusted health care provider or legal counsel to determine if it is appropriate for you. The works cited by VFS (including book bibliographies) are useful to help you find and evaluate original sources from VFS research together with your health care providers or legal representatives.
VFS makes no express or implied warranties with regard to errors or omissions and shall have no legal liability or responsibility to you or anyone else for direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential losses or damages resulting from the use of or access to any information or content provided by or accessed through this website or communications related to VFS. We accept no liability and you agree that VFS has no liability for any decision made or action taken by you or anyone else for usage or reliance upon any or all information provided by VFS.
VFS does not assume any risk whatsoever for how you use the information provided. VFS takes no responsibility for any loss, damage, or claim that results from information that VFS provides. You must accept that the liability for any perceived risk related to VFS and the information VFS shares is entirely yours.
VFS social media posts, message board posts, videos, and other information sources may include perspectives from people who are not affiliated with VFS. VFS makes no warranties of any kind regarding these communications or their accuracy, safety, and validity.
Although some statements within social media or message boards may be removed at the discretion of VFS, this does not necessarily denote acceptance of or agreement with any statement that remains. In fact, some people choose to share blatantly wrong or dangerous advice. VFS takes no responsibility for statements made by participants on our message boards, our social media, or means of communication where interactions are possible, and we advise extreme caution before applying any of the information you find. If you wish to follow advice from these media participants, you must understand you are doing so at your own risk and we urge you to consult a qualified medical professional before taking any action because some advice could be hazardous to your health.
No third-party advertising or solicitation of funds, goods, services, or data mining is permitted on the VFS social media presences, or any other part of VFS communications without a written request to and subsequent written approval from VFS. Such a written request, if granted, may include additional terms, restrictions, and conditions.
Links to External Sites
VFS has no control over externally linked sites and therefore takes no responsibility for the contents of any linked site. Some organizations may ask for donations or sales. If an external link appears at a web location associated with VFS, whether it appears based on our decision or if we did not moderate or prevent the link’s presence at our social media, message board, or elsewhere, you bear the sole responsibility for any actions related to contact with or viewing of other organizations linked or mentioned as well as the sole responsibility to investigate the accuracy or safety of any claims on or about any linked sites.
When using links that may result in a sale or purchase, see the “Online Purchases” section for further information.
Online Purchases
Although we found the quality of products deliberately linked from VFS to be excellent based on our own experience, VFS bears no responsibility for quality or fitness for any use since most purchases made through these stores are never handled by VFS. It is our understanding that purchases, distribution, and product construction are controlled by Cafe Press, Amazon, and other companies that are often noted at each respective web link. Some items may be produced or printed on demand and therefore may not ship immediately, while other items have other factors beyond our control.
Even when purchasing books written by VFS authors, it is likely that a shipping or fulfillment service will be used and that it may affect the quality of goods sent or received. Some affiliate links (options to purchase goods that give VFS a small percentage of the cost of the sale) may also differ from the images shown or suggested, since VFS cannot control all (and in many cases, any) aspects of the links given and the information and products provided at those links. It is exclusively your responsibility to ensure affiliate links or any Internet links actually arrive at their expected web destinations, and that link contents are as expected, before making any purchase.
VFS can not make any express or implied warranties with regard to products and VFS has no legal liability or responsibility for direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential losses or damages resulting from their use. VFS makes an extraordinary effort to provide accurate reporting of the medical research, information, and testimonials of real-world effects of some products on certain people but there can never be a warranty of any kind that someone else will have the same response to a given product, that new medical research may invalidate previous research before VFS materials are updated, or that any particular product is appropriate for a specific person’s present health condition. For all products, particularly with regard to diet or health matters, remember it is solely your responsibility to consult a proper medical professional first to determine safety and appropriateness before any product’s purchase or use.
Cookie Policy and Software Disclaimer
Cookies are small text files readable by a web browser that affect viewing of and access to some websites. VFS uses cookies at this website to enhance its presentation of data, for example, by using video links that show a frame from a video from YouTube and can play the video. Cookies may also assist in online purchases. In some cases, like the YouTube example, the cookies are not deliberately chosen by VFS but simply a consequence of utilizing the YouTube service.
VFS uses third party software, web services, and plugins for its website. Since VFS intends to maintain these with regular updates for site security purposes, your use of this site indicates agreement that we cannot be held responsible for actions taken by the software, web services, and plugins. These may involve updates with undocumented features or features of which we are not aware. This could be true of any update to any software or website you use. Considering this possibility of unexpected features in updates, there may be other uses of cookies that do not willingly involve VFS, that VFS does not expect, and for which you accept VFS cannot be held responsible.
You agree that VFS and any of its authorized representatives may terminate any membership to our social media, message board, or other privileged status at any time. We may remove or discard all or part of your message board account, social media or other status or submissions for any reason with or without notice. Key reasons for removal include but are not limited to rudeness, dishonesty, and solicitation. By using this site, associated VFS materials, VFS social media components, or communicating with VFS, you automatically agree to these terms and that VFS will not be held liable to you or any third party for any reason whatsoever, even after termination of any status, any loss of membership, or any lack of access.
Any failure of VFS to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the terms, notices, and conditions shall not be considered a waiver of any provision or right. These terms, notices, and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of a jurisdiction selected by VFS, without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. You agree that any legal action arising out of or relating to VFS or these terms will be filed only in a court or venue chosen by VFS at the discretion of VFS. If that option is not available to VFS, you agree that any legal action arising out of or relating to VFS or these terms will be filed only in the venue or state court, federal court, or county court where the head administrators and officers of VFS reside.
In the event any provision of these terms, notices, and conditions are legally deemed for any reason void, unlawful, or unenforceable, then that particular provision shall be deemed severable from all other provisions. Any provision severed will not affect the enforceability or validity of any remaining provisions.
Any use of this website and other VFS venues including communication to VFS and its creators, indicates total acceptance and agreement to all these terms of use and our disclaimer of libility.