Testimonials about Valley Fever Survivor and our work
It really means a lot to me that you took your time to write back to me. Again, Thanks for being here for me. I am so thankful to the both of you…this book has helped me realize that I am not alone, and I have legitimate reasons for being who I am today.
Joyce Erdman
Thank you so much for being there for all of us and for writing such an informative book.
Julie Daniels
Thank you for being there and speaking out.
Suzanne White
So happy to have a spotlight on this “hidden treasure” of Arizona. Thanks to Valley Fever Survivor’s information and blog, I have slayed the titer dragon for now and will remain vigilant for the rest of my life. I believe my diet prescription was a huge factor in my recovery….from feeling like I was dying to my new life as a VF survivor off antifungals. Thank you David and Sharon for your dedication to the entire VF community worldwide…for making this venue possible and for tirelessly advocating on behalf of all of us. I am most grateful.
Karen Frederick
I would like to thank you for the great work you’re doing on behalf of all VF survivors, their families and future VF sufferers. Thank you Sharon, for giving us a voice!
Debi Ecobiza
My daughter is making small but steady steps in the right direction. My daughter is a member of the medical community in Paso Robles and is receiving very good care. I credit her primary care physician in being aggressive and pushing for a diagnosis early on. Thank you for listening to me when I was frantic.
Mimie Roths
I have been on fluconozole 400mg a day but also eat lots of good vegetables and no processed sugars or food I only eat home cooked meals . [following Sharon and David’s pioneer work on foods to eat and avoid with active VF] Thank you Jesus and all of you for the info you share especially David and Sharon.
Jose Raul Covarrubias Cabeza
Jose Raul Covarrubias Cabeza
Thank you so much for all you and David do to help us navigate these scary waters.
Carmen Paregien
I am so happy I found this website, my 13 year old son was diagnosed with valley fever a year ago. Before they diagnosed him he was in the hospital for 20 days. After his lung had collapsed, they went in and drained the fluid. At that time they tested the fluid and said he was positive for the valley fever. He has been on the Diflucan and just got off of it about a month ago, for the past month he has been having a very hard time breathing and feels heaviness on his chest. They are sending me to a lung specialist. I am so happy to see this website to read and get more information on this site.
Heather Wygant
I want to thank you for being so supportive when I was sick.
Jean Brannon