Valley Fever Survivor expanded its support options to include the Valley Fever Survivor Message Board late in 2004. For nearly a decade, this was the only place for Valley Fever discussion and had grown to over 11,000 posts and over 1300 users. Beyond the opportunity to connect with others and share experiences, Dave and Sharon shared information from peer reviewed medical journals and other research to ensure everyone had fact-based information they could take to their doctors and to help make informed decisions.
When Facebook became popular, especially the Valley Fever Survivor Support Group, that took most of the message board’s traffic. However, with years of Valley Fever discussions, the message board remains incredibly useful as a lasting archive to help people to understand what Valley Fever is and how it truly changes people’s lives. Even though it is now years past its prime, the disease and treatment options have changed so little that it might as well be a current board for readers who wish to see how others have dealt with the illness.
We are proud of its years of service and now present the Valley Fever Survivor Message Board as a time capsule into our early work. Thousands of posts of peoples’ struggles and triumphs await.