The Valley Fever Survivor Educational Video Series has the information you truly need about Valley Fever. Learn the secrets of the Desert Southwest’s naturally occurring biohazard and what it means to you. From scientific research data to personal support, Valley Fever Survivor is the world’s #1 educational advocacy and patient support organization for people with coccidioidomycosis and their families.
Valley Fever Survivor® Video Series
Valley Fever Voices™ is our video series for survivors of Valley Fever and their family members to share their stories of struggles, losses, and triumphs when dealing with this disease. The long-form interview format allows them to provide a more complete picture of what they experienced. If you or a family member has Valley Fever it is helpful to know what others have been through.
Valley Fever Survivor also produces videos that are not a part of either specific video category.
These help in our advocacy and educational efforts to inform people worldwide about Valley Fever.