David Filip
David Filip‘s in-depth knowledge comes from almost two decades of researching medical information and assisting thousands of people with Valley Fever (coccidioidomycosis). His most popular book “Valley Fever Epidemic” is a milestone in the field, cutting through misconceptions and providing actionable information for patients and doctors alike. Few people besides the medical researchers themselves even knew these facts existed until Filip unearthed their work to share its shocking conclusions with a larger audience. As the leading Valley Fever author, scholar, information specialist, and consultant working outside the medical profession, he is sought after by media and authorities for his expertise. His contacts with mycologists, physicians, federal and local health officials, and vaccine scientists is matched and tempered by his experience connecting with thousands of victims of Valley Fever from around the world. This brings a human perspective to his research and a focus on the urgency of a problem many politicians would just as soon sweep under the rug. Filip is also a nutritional pioneer as the first and only person to research the pharmacology of foods that can help or hurt the body’s reaction to this disease. Those who adjusted their diets accordingly have experienced tremendous improvements.
He has been interviewed on television and radio broadcasts for his research and technical expertise. Producers and reporters from Voice of America, BBC, the New York Times, PBS, and other media outlets across the country rely on his knowledge and connections for their articles and programs on Valley Fever.
Filip is the communication director and co-founder of Valley Fever Survivor, the premier coccidioidomycosis advocacy, education, and support organization. He is also a member of UC Merced’s Valley Fever Network Faculty and has a BA in Communications from the University of Washington. By bringing the medical, military, historical, and personal facets of Valley Fever together his knowledge and expertise “connects the dots” in ways that bring the complete scope of the Valley Fever epidemic to light.
Sharon Filip
Sharon Filip is a global ambassador and expert on Valley Fever representing tens of thousands of people around the world with this disease. In 2001 Sharon Filip had a near-death experience during her severe case of Valley Fever. She co-founded Valley Fever Survivor in 2002 and began her interaction with the media from the USA and around the world.
She became a voice for action for all those who have passed on, those who could not speak for themselves, as well as family members who have lost loved ones from Valley Fever.
Sharon co-authored “Valley Fever Epidemic” with her son David Filip. It was the first and still remains the only book of its kind available. Its usefulness and clarity endures as a modern classic and a critical tool for educating patients, doctors, and the general public. Sharon was able to thrive following David’s pioneering research into nutrition that specifically works for a person with Valley Fever. Working together, they took that knowledge forward to help others with this disease. To date, no one else had studied the scientific research to show how nutrition and supplements could make a difference with Valley Fever symptoms.
Sharon Filip is a trained and registered hypnotherapist with nearly 30 years of experience. She helps clients release blockages that have held them back from achieving their goals as well as improving their mental state and well being. In her decades of work in alternative medicine, she is known for her motivational speaking, personal hypnotherapy, teaching self-hypnosis classes and her ability to relate to clients on every level. Her life’s work of helping and educating people is now combined with her knowledge of the Valley Fever research and her personal encounter with this disease. This makes Sharon uniquely qualified to put a spotlight on Valley Fever by sharing information that shatters the misconceptions with clarity and authority.