Valley Fever Survivor (VFS) provides reliable information to media professionals. Through their deep knowledge of medical research and patient care, VFS has uncovered facts that many doctors and public health professionals are unaware of or unwilling to share with the public. Working at the forefront of Valley Fever advocacy since 2002, VFS founders David Filip and Sharon filip provide unique, underreported, and often shocking facts and insights that bring the full scope of the Valley Fever epidemic to light.
Much of this shocking information had been “hidden in plain sight” by being buried in peer-reviewed journals and other medical documents. This devastating information was only intended for the eyes of doctors and policy makers. Unfortunately this means it has been kept a secret from the people who need the facts the most…until the Filips revealed it. Their work continues to unearth new and even more disturbing details about the effects of Valley Fever on the nation and the world. When the people in power are charged with informing the public but hold vital information back, VFS brings it forward.
David Filip and Sharon Filip are both available for radio, television, print and online media interviews. You can learn more about them from their biographies here or learn more about Valley Fever Survivor itself at this link. The information in their book “Valley Fever Epidemic” shows how devastating Valley Fever has been. Their upcoming work (which will include a new book) will shock the nation and the world with the hidden truth about this incurable disease. The systemic fungal parasite that causes Valley Fever is a naturally occurring biohazard, has been regulated as an agent of bioterrorism, and has been kept a “local secret” for decades.
As a media professional, you can have a direct impact on public health by helping us share the information we have uncovered from coast to coast and around the world. Valley Fever is more than just an epidemic. It is a public health crisis, a financial disaster, an assault on military readiness, and a national and international bioterrorist threat. Valley Fever Survivor is committed to ensuring this disease finally receives the public attention it deserves. Nothing matters more than saving lives.
Please contact David Filip and Sharon Filip at to schedule interviews, guest appearances or any further questions you may have.