Testimonials about Valley Fever Survivor and our work

Thank God for Sharon Filip and David Filip for bringing us all together!  I am grateful for them and the education they have provided!

Jennifer Medvec

Jennifer Medvec

Research everything on their website [www.valleyfeversurvivor.com] and read every word you can about this disease. I feel they are among the very few who take this life-altering and fatal disease seriously. If a person has never had it or know someone who has, ppl often think it’s like having the flu and then you get over it, never realizing its’ consequences. Thank you to these two great ppl for the dedication, time, effort and money they devote to help educate and support we tens of thousands of suffers. I have a lot of love in my heart for the Filips and their work. God bless them.

Julie Russell

Julie Russell

Thanks for all you do!

Angie Torres-Cannon

Angie Torres-Cannon

God bless you David and Sharon.

David Paul Daubenschmidt

David Paul Daubenschmidt

Thank you for all you do.

Gerald Scray Jr.

Gerald Scray Jr.

I appreciate all the help and advice you have given. This will be a long road but it’s easier when you have support from people who have gone through it.

Laura Hartzheim

Laura Hartzheim

Bless you for all you do.

Kim Thompson DeFiori

Kim Thompson DeFiori

Everything I learned about Valley Fever that is factual was right here on the site.

Tiffani Howard

Tiffani Howard

So appreciate all your time and knowledge.

Judy Rood

Judy Rood

When I was diagnosed with VF in 2013/14, I scoured the internet for information and there was no real information to be found until I found your website. Then bought your book which had loads of info. Then the vfs group sprang into existence. Thank you for your great work, and continuing support!

Richie Magsano

Richie Magsano