Many of the people who contact us feel that endemic states, particularly Arizona and California with their increased share of the epidemic, have been irresponsible and withheld vital Valley Fever information from their visitors. Since there is no cure, since the fungus that causes VF was regulated as a Select Agent of Bioterrorism in two antiterrorism laws for 16 years, and since there are many other shocking hidden facts about Valley Fever, many people felt that they should have been given this information first to decide for themselves whether or not to visit an endemic area.
The State of Arizona continues to keep information about Valley Fever off their travel brochures and other promotional materials to entice people to move to and visit their state. If you visited Arizona, took a job there, retired, or went to school there, and wish to sue the state because you were infected, please note there is a 180 day statute of limitations from the moment you learned your infection was diagnosed.
There have already been successful lawsuits against companies that have employees in endemic regions where they were infected with cocci. There have even been lawsuits from prisoners with Valley Fever against endemic area prisons that had been settled for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Perhaps it is time endemic states were forced to take responsibility for keeping Valley Fever a “local secret.” Please email us if you are considering a lawsuit specifically against the state and have an attorney. We believe we might be able to provide the necessary information to help your legal team prosecute a successful case. We can only provide information to attorneys and not individuals.
Do you believe you contracted your Valley Fever infection due to any of the following?
A) The place you were employed (whether you live in an endemic area like Arizona or California or traveled there as a part of your job)
B) The work you perform while employed (mining, construction, gardening, landscaping, or other activities that put you near airborne dust or objects from endemic areas)
C) Military assignments that had you pass through or be stationed in endemic areas
D) Construction nearby your home, school or place of work
E) Leisure travel to endemic areas that included desert jeep tours or similar dusty activities
Have you found an attorney? If you have legal representation that wishes to speak with us, they can contact us at for further information. Perhaps we can help your prospective case succeed.
Although we want to help everyone with Valley Fever, remember that having an attorney or other appropriate legal representation is critical. If you do not have legal representation now, start by calling personal injury attorneys. If they are unwilling to take your case, ask what type of legal representation would be best suited for your needs.
Perhaps if people take legal action against the endemic states it will be more costly for the states to withhold the painful truth about Valley Fever than to fund a cure.