These testimonials include some of the loving and appreciative comments the founders of VFS have received from the Valley Fever community.
Sharon you and Dave do us all an incredible service with all your invaluable information, selfless time and effort you both provide supporting us. God bless you both.
Shirley Sartain Romero
When I was diagnosed my ex hubby said to the Dr, I’ve lived here all my life. How come I don’t have it? The Dr replied, you probably do. It just hasn’t flared again up yet. He saved my life and I’m eternally grateful to him! He is actually the one that told me to google your website a few years before I moved from AZ. Said I would learn anything and everything I ever needed to know.
Thank you both for all you do.
Jan Trueblood
Thank YOU. I would have given up long ago if I had not found your site. Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me somewhere to go to know I’m not alone. This disease has destroyed my life…anyone interested in learning more about Valley Fever watch these videos and hop on over to Valley Fever Survivor. I got better information from those wonderful people than any doctor. If you live in California, Arizona, Mexico, Texas, New Mexico… any western states educate yourselves because the sooner a person gets a diagnosis the better their chances for remission… a better long term outcome. I had never heard of Valley Fever when I got sick and have since known personally 5 people that lost their battle including my ex father in law…
Melissa Sligh
This is a very educated site to be on. It gives more information then the doctors do. I personally think it’s the best thing I found since I was diagnosed with Valley Fever. I also ordered all 3 books and have found them very educational and I can show my doctors here in Pennsylvania them.
Amy Buchman- Bingaman
I just want to say thank you for all the work you and your son have done to facilitate getting the word out on VF. Your website is extremely informative, and I have found the encouragement of forum members to be very helpful, especially since this can be so alienating. It’s also helped me 1) learn to manage my own healthcare, and 2) given me comfort despite so many unanswered questions.
I’m looking forward to your book, and once again thank you for your efforts.
Erika Shoemaker
The love and caring you give to us is so precious and genuine…You are our beacon of light in the midst of our personal storms…God bless and keep you both for all the love you give.
Dolores Fair
You two are literal life savers. You are invaluable to all of us and many more. You two matter. I love you.
Cheryl Jacobs
The information, help, and support you and Dave have provided over the years to so many thousands of us is soooo appreciated!!! Thank you so much! Love and hugs to you both. I am especially grateful for all the facts, articles, and information David and Sharon post on these pages.
Rebecca Kay
The best facets of this site are the access to David and Sharon AND being able to find others who share the quirky symptoms of this disease.
Sue Eselgroth
Sharon Filip, your loving, uplifting words are always so positive. So glad you and David Filip are so supportive to all of us all the time. Thank you for all you have done on behalf of VF victims.
Judy Rinehimer
Appreciate you Lady, and all you have done to make the reality of Valley Fever known to the world, and for all you and Dave have done to work for keeping us updated. You are wonderful people and there is no way to measure all the good you have done to get the information out about VF, and to encourage those who suffer. Thank you.
Doris McDaniel-Solomon (VFS) is a webpage devoted entirely to education, research and the truth about Valley Fever. They brought their expertise to Facebook a couple of years ago.
If VFS posts it it is true. You can rely on it on FB and on its own website.
It is run by Sharon Filip and her son David Filip who also wrote the book Valley Fever Epidemic. It is available through, Amazon & a few other places that I can’t think of right now. I own two hard copies and an e-copy. The book opened my eyes about the disease that my doctors did not know, could not tell me, or didn’t want to tell me. It is most likely that they just DIDN’T KNOW the current information about Valley Fever.
You do not have to be an infected person to ask the Filips questions. Their goal is to make a difference in our world. They are generous with their time and information.
Sharon Garrett
Thank you, Sharon and David, for your remarkable research and sharing about this fungus, and for helping to keep the rest of us sane and centered through so many difficulties. You will probably never understand how critical your work is and how much you are loved.
The help is substantive, direct and easily carried through. Sharon and Dave – you both are angels on Earth. Your advice and kindness have helped me so many times, but it was at two of the worst times in my life that the difference made saved my sanity.
Sue Bain
Before there was FB or even the message board, there was Sharon spending time with me on the phone and email. She gave me much needed support and guidance while caring for my brother. I didn’t feel so alone trying to deal with incompetent and uncaring doctors. It has been 9 years since my brother died from VF and I still have nightmares about the things he went through. Thank you Sharon and Dave for all you have done and with such love.
Kathy Blalock Terrell
You are such a beautiful person inside and out!! Dave you are such a great man/son, all you do I really admire!! Thank you so much. My mom’s name was Sharon also, she was also a very beautiful pure heart. I miss her so much!! I’m glad she placed you two in my life.
Sharon, thank you so much, you are always there for me and thank you so much for the prayers! All you and Dave do is unspeakable!!! It’s that much!! I’m so happy you have such a strong, intelligent, loving, giving son!!! You overcame the impossible with him at your side. [Since then] he’s dedicated his life to you and all who have VF or don’t yet. You are an amazing woman Sharon!
Gina Potter
I’m a 45 year old African American woman. I moved to Arizona in 2000 and subsequently suffered from the disseminated form of VF which left me unable to work for approximately 2 years. [Certain groups including African Americans have a higher likelihood for severe VF symptoms, although it can be chronic or deadly when it infects anyone.] In addition, I know friends and family who have contracted the disease and suffer as well. Eight years later I still battle with chronic bouts of VF symptoms which often leave me incapacitated for days and sometimes weeks. I discovered while researching the web several years ago and I’ve been an avid follower since. I know that I am not alone and I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for providing a forum for VFS and for removing the veil of the VF epidemic.
Wendy B.
Misinformation hurts everyone and, apparently when it comes to VF, it’s rampant. (This is a new revelation for me since this is essentially my first experience with a chronic medical issue.) Shoot, with all of these faulty publications, it’s no wonder so many people experience such ill-informed medical treatment. The suffering this causes in so sad. I can’t thank you [Sharon] and David enough for your life-saving, anxiety-reducing dedication and kindness.
I don’t know what we’d do without you! I can’t even begin to express how helpful having this resource has been for me. I had never participated in a forum like this before and was a little hesitant at first (albeit also quite desperate to learn because I was so sick!). Sharon and David have unprecedented, research-based comprehensive knowledge of this disease as well as personal experience. Members truly care and are supportive. What a gift!
Sharon Filip I love that you and David are so up on all of the research and seek out fact-based information. I credit Sharon and David as my primary source of factual information learned – unfortunately out of necessity – three decades later.
Please, never ever underestimate all of the good that you both do for so many people. I’m certain that you have, directly and indirectly, saved many lives in addition to substantially impacting unnecessary suffering.
[While describing VFS to others:] David and Sharon’s expertise in all things VF is incredible and they provide many researched-based resources regarding food, etc. that go far and above the info doctors have the time (or knowledge) to provide.
Suzanne Rounsefell
I take this opportunity to say thanks to you for giving hope and information to so many. I am one of the recipients of that hope and information and will always be grateful to you and David…You shined a light during a very scary and dark time for me.
Sara Casanova
I want to publicly thank you for ALL you have done for my son and my husband and I!!!! We truly appreciate you!!! You have helped us tremendously!! May you receive many great blessings!!!!
Sharon you truly are a Godsend!!!! Thank you sssooo much for sharing your knowledge!!!! I know God kept you around to help VF families….
Shay Deatherage-Billings
Shay I second that..Shes so helpful and kind to all. Shes our Angel
Debbie Scott
Add my thanks to that, she is the first one that has helped to make Any Sense out of this. Thank you.
Rita Schroeder Trout
Thank you, Sharon. I’ve been a long time supporter and so appreciate all the knowledge you and David have shared through the long course of my husband’s trip through this valley. He is in his 8th year post disseminated valley fever. I’ve learned to turn here first, to medical literature second and to any source, any article about the disease to learn more. We learn and share more here than people realize as we all bring our personal experiences to the table. Thank you again for all you do…Sharon and Dave, you have created the caring and respectful exchange of information by modeling compassion for us all.
Susan GM
Sharon – this site, the exhaustive research you have compiled, the testimonials from fellow sufferers, and the support are a daily part of my personal recovery. The very most important thing I have learned here is that every single VF journey is as individual as your fingerprint.
This site is, for me, as important as my daily dosage of the fluconazole. Thank you for your efforts on the behalf of me and everyone here.
Robin Goheen Fisher
I don’t know what I would have done without you guys and this site during this VF journey. I’ve definitely learned the importance of being educated regarding any new diagnosis, and advocating for oneself. Thank you for all you do!
Andra Wilson
I reached out to both David Filip and Sharon Filip. Sharon reassured me that the way I was feeling was more important than my titer. David and I really connected and he showed me where to find the diet plan on this site and answered every question that I had. I stayed strict on the diet and followed all the advice he had given me. Last Wednesday I went in for my 3rd set of tests and Dr. Ma called me yesterday with the results. My titer is now 1:4. He said I had peaked the previous month and now it’s going down. …if you have any questions or concerns, reach out to David and Sharon. We are so lucky to have these wonderful human beings on our side! Listen to what they say, cause they’re only here to help us. Thank you David and Sharon, from the bottom of my heart.
Amir Rahnavardi
Valley Fever Survivor has been a huge wealth of information for us and helped Dale understand what he is up against. The Valley Fever Survivor book [Valley Fever Epidemic] is a must have in your fight against Valley Fever. I have purchased many copies and given them to our clueless doctors. Also, given several as a gift to many friends or friends in the media where I know it will have the biggest punch. I call this book paying it forward, if it can save just one life. Thank you for saving Dale’s life Sharon and Dave. You are angels! I’m so excited to get your new book once it’s released. We still refer to the first book often, however, you can never ever learn enough about VF as it’s constantly evolving with new information because of you and Sharon! We love you both to pieces!!! You’re our angels!!
Valerie Harrell
That book [Valley Fever Epidemic] is the best thing you can give your doctor. Making them read it may be another job. Some doctors just do not take it seriously enough. The Book wakes most of them up.
Dale Pulde
Thank you Sharon and Dave for all you have done, it’s greatly appreciated. I’m sure there’s a crown for you in Heaven. You’ve been instrumental in my recovery.
My son called me today and told me to go on my computer to, click on programs and put in “Deadly Dust.” I was able to watch the documentary that was presented recently on Valley Fever. It was so very enlightening and informative. I finally had a chance to see who you are and hear the vital information you contributed to the documentary [both Sharon Filip and David Filip contributed information for the documentary, connected the producer with local survivors who volunteered their stories for the film, and also appeared for a separate online interview at the film’s web page about Valley Fever Survivor’s work]. I highly recommend that anyone who is a victim of this deadly disease watch this PBS presentation. Thank you once again Sharon for all that you and your son have done in this regard. All your endless efforts are so appreciated. This coupled with the fact that you are still doing so much in bringing this disease to the forefront of the medical community is simply outstanding. Something desperately needs to be done to obtain funding for a cure. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much for your all your encouragement and enlightenment. You and David have truly kept me going since I contracted this horrific disease.
Yvonne Vaughan-Spearman
Thank you both for so much valuable information relayed in a manner that we can all understand. Learned 10x more than from any doctor. Can’t express how much gratitude I have for you and all that you do and have done.
I truly am thankful for the time and effort you have given me…more than anyone else in my entire life.
Barbara Fiacco
I wasn’t even a week out of the hospital when the book arrived as far as I remember. I was out of it. But my mom got this book for me and it answered a lot of the questions my doctor did not. Even after they finally knew I had VF. They have done enough to save my life and keep me alive, but I have only had the successful times because of David Filip and Sharon Filip and the book Valley Fever Epidemic – hitting five home runs in a men’s league five months out of surgery or so was a miracle for a former professional ballplayer… I thought I was done living my previous life of health and fitness. I thought I was done doing amazing things physically that mattered to me. When you have a partial lung resection or the disease itself, you feel like garbage a lot and those times where you were once strong seem fleeting.
I am in debt to David and Sharon x 10000000 because of the fleeting happiness they made possible this year. I was informed by them in a comprehensive way that truly, truly made a difference in my post-surgical life… and I had 4 (5? I forget!) surgeries before for orthopedic injuries. They made those all seem like a cake walk… And they were there for me before I even knew them.
Daniel Treccia
Had an amazing team of Drs in Phoenix. They fought for my life the 2nd time around and thankfully won. I went to my first appointments with those drs 100% informed, present in the convo, asked questions, and was told I knew more then their interns. LOL. Thanks to the Valley Fever Survivor website. My VF Family. Sharon and Dave do know what’s best. Unfortunately most of my battle: misdiagnosis, major symptoms etc….occurred prior to meeting them.
Megan Parker
I take this opportunity to say thanks to you for giving hope and information to so many. I am one of the recipients of that hope and information and will always be grateful to you and David and also to all who shared their stories. You shined a light during a very scary and dark time for me.
Sara Casanova
I welcome & absorb whole heartily your caring, time, knowledge. I just read your story, God bless you & all of us who were not given the choice in this path … Again thank you for all that you do!
Lablanche Dhephe
With all of the information I have learned (most of it from you) I have educated many others … you helped me at a time when I was scared and unsure what to do. Thank you doesn’t even cut it!
Marty Klinger
It’s been quite some time that I posted. The last of my posts I was desperate, hurting, anxious, and helpless. My brother was so sick. We didn’t think he would ever pull through. Besides the VF that infected his brain, he also has MS which is a neurological disease. Fast forward to this year, 8 month battle for him and it left him severely debilitated. I am now taking care of him full time as he is bed ridden but I am happy to report he is making a comeback! The diet suggestions of foods to eat and not eat WILL and DO make a difference with your recovery. I implemented a diet for my brother, however, I blend it because he’s fed through a tube. He’s been on it for three weeks and I already see a difference. His diet is for autoimmune diseases, but lists all the foods that Sharon discusses that VF survivors should and shouldn’t eat. He has regained some speech, some energy, tremors have decreased. He has a long way to go to recover but I am confident that if he keeps up eating healthy, he will get back on his feet. If you are still battling with fatigue and other ailments due to VF, seriously consider changing your diet. I strongly believe it is the way to your recovery.
Mari Mendoza Burnias
Thank you for all your time and efforts you have put into this group. There are times when I have not known which way to turn, and you guys have always been there!
Glenda Carlson
I am so apprehensive as my titers are lower now than I have ever had them do to my lifestyle changes in diet and exercise. Thanks to Sharon an David Filip and their amazing Knowledge. Sharon and David Filip have the best answers for management. I recommend their diet to everyone with VF..
Misty Morton
I have been diagnosed, with a large mass in my right lung after 3+ months of pneumonia…and yes I had my annual flu shot and pneumonia shot(1 every 4 years)….
During this time I stayed on my “super foods” that are recommended [based on the information shared by Sharon and Dave on their research into immune boosting research]. Today I finally saw my doc and instead of a biopsy…we’re going to try another round of antibiotics because my cocci numbers and blood work show I’m still in remission…Bless God!
My lung specialist said the mass looks more like a bacterial infection!(this is what I’ve been praying about)…I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that I know the Lord has touched me in this area…but I also know that the Lord “EXPECTS” me to be smart and take care of myself as well. Helpful information is readily available… Eat as we have been taught by this site [VFS] or the book [Valley Fever Epidemic], rest, plenty of fluid/water etc…I strongly advise everyone to listen and take the “superfoods” Sharon recommends. They work, THEY WORK, THEY WORK! One just needs to pick a few and begin, then incorporate others as needed, they last a long time…NOW, my pain is at a livable level, (I use the same superfoods for my dog who suffers from arthritis) my blood work looks great and had I NOT been taking my superfoods, I wouldn’t have bounced back as well as I have. ..Thank you Jesus, for Sharon and all her informational help! I take what she says to heart! I am so thankful for Sharon, Dave and all their tireless efforts to help others….
Kathi Pittman
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time to email me, the timing could have not been better!! My family does not take Valley Fever that seriously and they think that I am pretending or something when I told them about 6 months ago that I know my lungs are getting worse. About a week ago I told my mom that I feel like I am not getting enough oxygen when I breathe and my lungs ache most of the time, she ignored what I said. It helps to know that there are people who understand, it sucks (excuse me) that there are other people going through this and so many that have no idea of what could happen to them. Thank you for all the work that you are doing!!!
Shannon M.
I thank you for doing all the work you have done with David. You are a resource and ray of hope for the rest of us, Sharon. The information you and David have brought to the forum has done so much for myself and many others. Lifts the veil, so to speak, on the mystery of this monster.
This group you and David started has given so much help and hope to so many. Thank you for being available and for your compassion. I have no doubt many people are alive today because of you two and we all are encouraged with what you share. God’s blessings on both of you. You are definitely a God send to my wife and me.
Tim Armstrong
I can’t believe it’s been that long since we met. You two have done so much work to bring this “war” to the forefront. Even now it’s still an unknown among most people. You’ve helped us so much and are continuing to do so. I just wish the medical community would take notice of the work you’ve done. Again, I want to say thank you and God’s blessings on your mission.
Sharon Elizabeth Hammond Omachel
You both are our Godsends. I owe you both my life. I know that much.
You both are my heroes.
Priscilla Nanninga