Testimonials about Valley Fever Survivor and our work

Thank you for putting the truth out there about Valley Fever and for sharing your story. I applaud you! You have just saved my husband and I from making a horrible and possibly deadly decision!

I am 35 years old and suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), so my husband and I were aiming to move to Arizona in a few years because the hot and very dry climate agrees with me. Not to mention, I love the beauty of the desert. We were out in Phoenix in 1997 or 1998 in the middle of July (before my MCS) and loved it.

I had heard of Valley Fever and was concerned because my immune system is not the best (because of the MCS). I did some research on it and the info I found made VF out to be “no big deal”. It said once you get it you are immune, just take antifungals, it will just give you flu-like symptoms—blah, blah, blah, blah. But for some reason that info just didn’t sit right with me. It seemed like there should be more. Your site is the info I have been looking for—-the truth. It doesn’t surprise me that the government agencies, the state of Arizona and whoever else—glosses over the seriousness of VF—-after all if the truth got out they would lose big, big money on tourism, building projects, etc. And after all, isn’t making $ the bottom line for these people?

I also have animals that I would be worried about too if they contracted VF. And of course my dear sweet husband who takes care of me.

Thanks for speaking up and putting the truth out there. Your information and site really did save us from making a horrible decision. I think we will go with our second choice—North Carolina!


Kimberly Eskra

Kimberly Eskra

Thank you for your dedication to us.

Kelly McGinness

Kelly McGinness

Thank you Sharon Filip! What you do to help those in this community is priceless. I have to tell you that seeing the video David Filip posted of Dr. Chiller from the CDC was great…

Robert Purdie, former president of VFAF

Robert Purdie

Thank you.

Capries Wylie-Phillips

Capries Wylie-Phillips

Can’t say it enough, everything you two have done is so appreciated! Thank you!!

Elizabeth Battenfield

Elizabeth Battenfield

We thank YOU for helping us all through this…

Dia Perry

Dia Perry

I am grateful for all you guys do for us!

Cindy Robertson- Montgomery

Cindy Robertson- Montgomery

Thank you so much for everything you have done for everyone who has no clue like myself and others.

Marie Defrenchi

Marie Defrenchi

We all thank you guys for helping us to educate ourselves and to have communications with other VF sufferers. Blessed we are to have this site and you and many others to help us out. Thank you for caring enough for others.

Jose Lafontaine

Jose Lafontaine

Thank you Sharon. God Bless you and Dave for your hard work!!!

Allison Davis

Allison Davis