Testimonials about Valley Fever Survivor and our work
Thank you, Sharon and David, for your remarkable research and sharing about this fungus, and for helping to keep the rest of us sane and centered through so many difficulties. You will probably never understand how critical your work is and how much you are loved.
The help is substantive, direct and easily carried through. Sharon and Dave – you both are angels on Earth. Your advice and kindness have helped me so many times, but it was at two of the worst times in my life that the difference made saved my sanity.
Sue Bain
ValleyFeverSurvivor.com (VFS) is a webpage devoted entirely to education, research and the truth about Valley Fever. They brought their expertise to Facebook a couple of years ago.
If VFS posts it it is true. You can rely on it on FB and on its own website.
It is run by Sharon Filip and her son David Filip who also wrote the book Valley Fever Epidemic. It is available through ValleyFeverSurvivor.com, Amazon & a few other places that I can’t think of right now. I own two hard copies and an e-copy. The book opened my eyes about the disease that my doctors did not know, could not tell me, or didn’t want to tell me. It is most likely that they just DIDN’T KNOW the current information about Valley Fever.
You do not have to be an infected person to ask the Filips questions. Their goal is to make a difference in our world. They are generous with their time and information.
Sharon Garrett
Appreciate you Lady, and all you have done to make the reality of Valley Fever known to the world, and for all you and Dave have done to work for keeping us updated. You are wonderful people and there is no way to measure all the good you have done to get the information out about VF, and to encourage those who suffer. Thank you.
Doris McDaniel-Solomon
Thank YOU. I would have given up long ago if I had not found your site. Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me somewhere to go to know I’m not alone. This disease has destroyed my life…anyone interested in learning more about Valley Fever watch these videos and hop on over to Valley Fever Survivor. I got better information from those wonderful people than any doctor. If you live in California, Arizona, Mexico, Texas, New Mexico… any western states educate yourselves because the sooner a person gets a diagnosis the better their chances for remission… a better long term outcome. I had never heard of Valley Fever when I got sick and have since known personally 5 people that lost their battle including my ex father in law…
Melissa Sligh
Sharon Filip, your loving, uplifting words are always so positive. So glad you and David Filip are so supportive to all of us all the time. Thank you for all you have done on behalf of VF victims.
Judy Rinehimer
The best facets of this site are the access to David and Sharon AND being able to find others who share the quirky symptoms of this disease.
Sue Eselgroth
The information, help, and support you and Dave have provided over the years to so many thousands of us is soooo appreciated!!! Thank you so much! Love and hugs to you both. I am especially grateful for all the facts, articles, and information David and Sharon post on these pages.
Rebecca Kay
You two are literal life savers. You are invaluable to all of us and many more. You two matter. I love you.
Cheryl Jacobs
The love and caring you give to us is so precious and genuine…You are our beacon of light in the midst of our personal storms…God bless and keep you both for all the love you give.
Dolores Fair
When I was diagnosed my ex hubby said to the Dr, I’ve lived here all my life. How come I don’t have it? The Dr replied, you probably do. It just hasn’t flared again up yet. He saved my life and I’m eternally grateful to him! He is actually the one that told me to google your website a few years before I moved from AZ. Said I would learn anything and everything I ever needed to know.
Thank you both for all you do.
Jan Trueblood