Testimonials about Valley Fever Survivor and our work
Thank you Sharon and David for your help and encouragement. Diet has a huge bearing on getting better, I was super strict, follow Sharon and David’s recommendations. Thank you Sharon and David for all your help. Your diet recommendations are invaluable, without them I wouldn’t have gotten this far in a year. I will continue the diet as I don’t want it reactivating…Now the damage of the VF in my Tibia is healing and my nodules are shrinking… My hair is filling in also.
Jean Ley Baldwin
Sharon, I too echo Jean’s appreciation to you and David. Your knowledge and caring spirit was “the light on the journey”! Thank you.
Cathy Campbell
Thanks to you and your son for all the good work you are doing! I credit you both (certainly not the doctors) with the education I’ve received so far on Valley Fever.
Noralee Milkint
I bought and just received and read VALLEY FEVER EPIDEMIC. Very enlightening! Tells it like it is! Very helpful! Very comprehensive. I see it as a “must have-must read” for those who have VF and also for their friends and family. I also bought a copy for my Stanford ID Doctor. Thanks.
[VFE is] ABSOLUTELY the best written authority on VF. Everybody who wants to know about VF, should buy or read this book.
David Silverman
Thanks so much for all the helpful information.
Shara Blake
At 34 is when I heard of it in a newspaper article. In 2005, at 35 I contracted VF within 1 year of living in AZ. I was first diagnosed with pneumonia, then lung cancer, then VF. I seriously felt like I was going to die. I’ve never fully recovered. The admins (Sharon and David) in this (FB) group have given me SO much information!
Rene Prysok-Trisilla
I thank you for doing all the work you have done with David. You are a resource and ray of hope for the rest of us, Sharon. The information you and David have brought to the forum has done so much for myself and many others. Lifts the veil, so to speak, on the mystery of this monster.
This group you and David started has given so much help and hope to so many. Thank you for being available and for your compassion. I have no doubt many people are alive today because of you two and we all are encouraged with what you share. God’s blessings on both of you. You are definitely a God send to my wife and me.
Tim Armstrong
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking your time to email me, the timing could have not been better!! My family does not take Valley Fever that seriously and they think that I am pretending or something when I told them about 6 months ago that I know my lungs are getting worse. About a week ago I told my mom that I feel like I am not getting enough oxygen when I breathe and my lungs ache most of the time, she ignored what I said. It helps to know that there are people who understand, it sucks (excuse me) that there are other people going through this and so many that have no idea of what could happen to them. Thank you for all the work that you are doing!!!
Shannon M.
I have been diagnosed, with a large mass in my right lung after 3+ months of pneumonia…and yes I had my annual flu shot and pneumonia shot(1 every 4 years)….
During this time I stayed on my “super foods” that are recommended [based on the information shared by Sharon and Dave on their research into immune boosting research]. Today I finally saw my doc and instead of a biopsy…we’re going to try another round of antibiotics because my cocci numbers and blood work show I’m still in remission…Bless God!
My lung specialist said the mass looks more like a bacterial infection!(this is what I’ve been praying about)…I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that I know the Lord has touched me in this area…but I also know that the Lord “EXPECTS” me to be smart and take care of myself as well. Helpful information is readily available… Eat as we have been taught by this site [VFS] or the book [Valley Fever Epidemic], rest, plenty of fluid/water etc…I strongly advise everyone to listen and take the “superfoods” Sharon recommends. They work, THEY WORK, THEY WORK! One just needs to pick a few and begin, then incorporate others as needed, they last a long time…NOW, my pain is at a livable level, (I use the same superfoods for my dog who suffers from arthritis) my blood work looks great and had I NOT been taking my superfoods, I wouldn’t have bounced back as well as I have. ..Thank you Jesus, for Sharon and all her informational help! I take what she says to heart! I am so thankful for Sharon, Dave and all their tireless efforts to help others….
Kathi Pittman
I am so apprehensive as my titers are lower now than I have ever had them do to my lifestyle changes in diet and exercise. Thanks to Sharon an David Filip and their amazing Knowledge. Sharon and David Filip have the best answers for management. I recommend their diet to everyone with VF..
Misty Morton
Thank you for all your time and efforts you have put into this group. There are times when I have not known which way to turn, and you guys have always been there!
Glenda Carlson