The Independent's Mike Bedigan's Valley Fever article begins with an image of Cheyenne Baker

Valley Fever: The deadly and incurable disease

We were pleased to be interviewed for Michael Bedigan’s article “Valley Fever: The deadly and incurable disease terrifying the west coast” for the Independent.  Several members of our Valley Fever Survivor Support Group and questionnaire respondents agreed to help Michael with his article for interviews and provided pictures of their ordeal with Valley Fever.  Along…

Trypanosoma is shown as an example of what people expect parasites to look like. Nonetheless, Valley Fever is also a parasitic disease.

Is Valley Fever a parasite? The proof is here

Certain words are inherently offensive. In the discussion of any disease, people don’t like thinking about terrible consequences. In Valley Fever specifically, we have recently been told the term “parasite” is offensive. Some have said they will readily admit they have Valley Fever, but certainly not any kind of parasite. There are people incorrectly hung…

Valley Fever misinformation matches COVID-19 vaccine public health info

Valley Fever misinformation matches COVID-19 vaccine public health info

In Valley Fever the constant barrage of misinformation is astounding. You can’t be reinfected…until you are. It will probably be flu-like symptoms…unless it disseminates. It probably won’t affect you unless you’re in a risk group…until it does. Science proves there is enduring, lifelong immunity to Valley Fever…unless a reactivation takes place, sometimes even decades after…