The Independent's Mike Bedigan's Valley Fever article begins with an image of Cheyenne Baker

Valley Fever: The deadly and incurable disease

We were pleased to be interviewed for Michael Bedigan’s article “Valley Fever: The deadly and incurable disease terrifying the west coast” for the Independent.  Several members of our Valley Fever Survivor Support Group and questionnaire respondents agreed to help Michael with his article for interviews and provided pictures of their ordeal with Valley Fever.  Along…

Lisa Shubitz, DVM and the vaccine study’s lead author, was photographed for the UA article about progress on the Valley Fever vaccine for dogs

Valley Fever Canine Vaccine Progress

A vaccine for Valley Fever appears to have major promising results. Not for people, but for dogs. The delta-CPS1 vaccine was originally derived from an infection that attacked maize, but now is useful for a “live” vaccine using genetically modified Coccidioides spores that are not able to cause the symptoms that characterize Valley Fever. Since…

Cases of Valley Fever Up 24% Through October

Cases of Valley Fever Up 24% Through October

By Stephanie Innes, Originally published on Arizona Daily Star and can be read at this link in its entirety This article featured an interview with David Filip and Sharon Filip. Battling a nagging fever, cough and exhaustion? You might want to get to the doctor. Cases of valley fever, offiically called coccidioidomycosis, in Arizona through…

Valley Fever Survivor Speaks Out KEPR

Valley Fever Survivor Speaks Out

By Kathleen Jacob, Originally published on Valley Fever was recently discovered in the Tri-Cities. There are eight patients in recent years who have been diagnosed with it. Health officials say for most people the symptoms are mild. Sharon’s family thinks the risk of Valley Fever is understated. “We could look at the footage of…