“I am very impressed by the quality of material you have been able to gather and put into this book. I believe this information will be used for decades to come. This book needs to be included on the Welcome to Arizona website, so everyone thinking about coming to Arizona and surrounding areas knows what they are coming in to.”

Shara BlakeArizona

“Inmates and staff at Pleasant Valley State Prison need this book. I am a former prison chaplain who worked at Pleasant Valley State Prison (PVSP) outside of Coalinga, California (which is about 60 miles SE of Fresno) in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley. I worked at PVSP from 2002-2005, and got out just before an epidemic of VF cases hit the prison. The epidemic has been attributed to the construction of Coalinga State Hospital, which was built nearby. I recently sent a copy of THE VALLEY FEVER EPIDEMIC to an inmate with whom I have been corresponding. He has a very serious case of VF and many other inmates do too. They are finding the book to be extremely helpful, because prison doctors are telling inmates with VF that the symptoms they are complaining about, such as rashes, are due to an allergic reaction to peanut butter, milk, or to a certain type of soap. Or they are being told they have the flu. Due to medical staff ignorance or incompetency (some would suggest corruption in an attempt to delay the expense of VF medication for as long as possible), it is not uncommon for inmates to suffer for more than a year before an accurate diagnosis is made. Both staff and inmates are coming down with this dreaded disease, and some are dying. All are in need of accurate information, which this book provides. It is my hope that more friends and family members of inmates, as well as correctional staff, in endemic regions of Southwestern states will discover this book and purchase it for their loved ones. The inmate I sent a copy to has other inmates and even correctional staff asking him about the book. In fact, he now seems to know more about VF than many of the medical staff.”

Gary O. EgebergFormer Pleasant Valley State Prison Chaplain

“LONG OVERDUE AND NEEDED BOOK Valley Fever Epidemic is very informative about this disease. Most doctors do not know what Valley Fever is or how to treat it and the lingering after affects it produces for your WHOLE LIFETIME. By being informed with the research in this book you can manage your condition and realize symptoms you have are definitely related to contracting Valley Fever. Knowledge is power– and this book gives you the knowledge about a disease that is swept under the table by the states where it is prevalent. A MUST READ FOR ANYONE WHO HAS LINGERING SYMPTOMS THAT CAN’T BE DIAGNOSED OR CURED — AS YOU MAY HAVE VALLEY FEVER AND NOT KNOW IT!!!! (Especially read before you travel out West).”

Carol CarroneMother of VF survivor, Louisiana

“Remarkable Book. I work for a Pulmonologist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of Valley Fever. We see first hand how this disease effects patients and their families. I have read Valley Fever Epidemic and would recommend it to anyone with Valley Fever or knows someone with this debilitating disease. It is an excellent source of information and helps with understanding this “coccidioidomycosis” fungus that can create such havoc on a persons health. Sharon and David Filip have done a remarkable job writing this book.”

Judy FoskettManager/A.I.R.MED & Valley Fever Clinic, Sun City West, Arizona

“A MUST READ BOOK! If you suffer from Valley Fever or, especially, if you are a friend or loved one of a VF victim, you must read Sharon and David Filip’s book. VF is a very puzzling illness to the victims, families and even the doctors who treat it. This is the first book of its’ kind. It clearly explains how devastating VF can be, how it is an incurable disease, what the symptoms are and how to recognize them, what treatments are available and how to emotionally manage your illness. I have been a Valley Fever sufferer for almost a year and I can tell you firsthand how tough it’s been. In the initial stages, I was quite ill, but have settled into a more chronic stage of debilitating fatigue and joint pain. One of the hardest things has been to try to explain to people why I am not better yet. Sharon and David’s book lays it all out. I highly recommend it to friends and family who want to understand and be supportive. I am an RN and had considered myself to be pretty savvy about VF. But, after reading this book, I feel incredibly enlightened and empowered to deal with my illness and to be compassionate to my fellow VF sufferers.”

Nancy NyeRN and Life Coach, Arizona

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge….” ~ Hos. 4:6 NKJV
“I am the wife of a VF survivor. My husband was diagnosed with cocci-meningitis in 2004. We almost lost him —
I thank God for Sharon and David Filip. This dynamic duo live a purposeful life; they are a living testimony of what “voice for action” really means. Words have power; knowledge is power. I have yet to find another complete and well researched book as Valley Fever Epidemic. God bless your labor of love. This book must be read by all, shared with all. If you have access to the masses, use your voice for action. I have personally given a copy to our local newspaper reporter. What can you do to save a life? Equip your fellow neighbor with knowledge, lest he perish for the lack thereof. It’s time to take action!”

Araceli JimenezCalifornia

“This book is the only book on the subject of the horrific disease of Coccidioidomycosis, or ‘Valley Fever’ and it is an extremely well-written book. It presents a wealth of information in an easy to understand language, and it is very comprehensive. The authors provide much detail on the history of the disease, the life-cycle of the coccidioides fungi as researched by medical scientists, the symptoms of the disease, and comparisons to other diseases with similar symptoms. One of the most helpful chapters to me is the one that describes all the different tests – blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests, titers, X-rays and MRIs, biopsies and bronchoscopies and other procedures used for diagnosis and follow-up. Equally helpful are all the real-person life stories of people who have suffered from this disease. Their stories are heart-breaking and inspirational all at the same time. The chapters explaining different drugs and treatments is very informative and helpful. Because this disease is so misunderstood and misdiagnosed, this book will be extremely helpful to patients and their families. Thank you for doing such a fantastic job on this book, and I know it will be extremely helpful to many (unfortunate) folks who come down with the disease. I would like to make sure that my doctors get a copy — family md, pulmonologist, and infectious diseases md.”

Rebecca KayNevada

“Thank you for writing this book. You’ve done a great thing for mankind. I recently read Valley Fever Epidemic by David and Sharon Filip. What a wonderful book and so long overdue. Valley Fever Epidemic is written so that everyone can understand it, and it includes an in-depth glossary of medical terms for your convenience. This book is the most complete, comprehensive and up-to-date book written on Valley Fever. Valley Fever Epidemic is a must read for anyone who lives in the Southwest or is planning to move or visit the Southwest. I even purchased a book for my internist, so that he is better informed about this incurable illness. If you only buy one book this year, make sure you buy Valley Fever Epidemic.”

Patricia WhiteArizona

“Valley Fever Epidemic is ‘just what the doctor ordered’ and most doctors could learn something from reading it. It answers so many questions regarding the multitude of symptoms that VF victims can suffer from. The drugs and treatment section can be very helpful for finding prescription assistance for those who can’t afford their medication. The personal stories will help others realize the devastating impact that VF can have on victims and their families. My brother lost his life to this disease. He did not fall into any of the high risk groups. It CAN happen to anyone! To be informed about Valley Fever, this book is a must read.”

Kathy A. TerrellOregon

“A Fantastic Book Everyone Should Read!! Valley Fever….do you have valley fever? Do you know what valley fever is? Did you know a tiny cocci spore could travel 500 miles and that there are 15 trillion cocci spores in one cubic inch? Did you know that you contract this disease just by breathing in Arizona, California, Texas, Nevada and other desert regions of the USA? Valley fever usually starts in your lungs and can attack you further by disseminating throughout other parts of your body and can become fatal. I am a valley fever survivor. Not everyone can say that who gets valley fever. Did you know that valley fever could change your life forever from one tiny spore? It did mine. I contracted valley fever in 2003 and have not felt the same since. The above information is only a microscopic piece of knowledge this book contains. David and Sharon Filip have done an outstanding job in providing such incredible amounts of information through their hard, persistent, and ongoing research on this deadly disease called valley fever. This book not only shows such an abundance of information but also is written in layman’s terms. It’s a book that contains answers to most questions you can think of and more. It has a glossary that can help you understand what your medical reports are saying. There is no other book of this kind written. I highly recommend this book to anyone who lives in the southwest, has visited the southwest, plan to visit the southwest, drive through or change planes in the southwest or just breathes.”

Linda EvinsRN, Arizona