These testimonials include some of the loving and appreciative comments the founders of VFS have received from the Valley Fever community.
I bought and just received and read VALLEY FEVER EPIDEMIC. Very enlightening! Tells it like it is! Very helpful! Very comprehensive. I see it as a “must have-must read” for those who have VF and also for their friends and family. I also bought a copy for my Stanford ID Doctor. Thanks.
[VFE is] ABSOLUTELY the best written authority on VF. Everybody who wants to know about VF, should buy or read this book.
David Silverman
Thanks to you and your son for all the good work you are doing! I credit you both (certainly not the doctors) with the education I’ve received so far on Valley Fever.
Noralee Milkint
Thank you Sharon and David for your help and encouragement. Diet has a huge bearing on getting better, I was super strict, follow Sharon and David’s recommendations. Thank you Sharon and David for all your help. Your diet recommendations are invaluable, without them I wouldn’t have gotten this far in a year. I will continue the diet as I don’t want it reactivating…Now the damage of the VF in my Tibia is healing and my nodules are shrinking… My hair is filling in also.
Jean Ley Baldwin
Sharon, I too echo Jean’s appreciation to you and David. Your knowledge and caring spirit was “the light on the journey”! Thank you.
Cathy Campbell
Keep up this outstanding work Sharon Filip & David that you are doing! It’s is paying off! Thank you both!!
Chris Zaleski
When I was diagnosed with VF in 2013/14, I scoured the internet for information and there was no real information to be found until I found your website. Then bought your book which had loads of info. Then the vfs group sprang into existence. Thank you for your great work, and continuing support!
Richie Magsano
The change in food was the best thing I did, I am actually eating because I don’t get nauseous now. Its clean food. Lots of work though. Thanks again!!!
Thank you Sharon for all you do! I admin a women health support group and I know how much time goes into research and solutions. Advocacy is thankless at times but here is my HUGE THANK YOU
Juanita Nunez-Archuleta
Hallelujah, thank you for creating this forum for support and discussion. I’ve been on the mend from VF for over three years and I know that I can help someone out there who has just been diagnosed with the disease. I have made it a part of my calling to help as much as I can and will use your forum to do so. I thank you again for caring enough to take the time to create this group and I’m letting you know that your efforts are not in vain. I also believe that even after the cure is released these relationships that have been developed as a result of the Valley Fever Survivor Support Group will continue on. God Bless You,
Lamont Arthur
Everything I learned about Valley Fever that is factual was right here on the site.
Tiffani Howard
Your work has been appreciated. We started out not knowing a thing. You have helped calm our fears and head us into the right direction in order to live with this disease. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Beverly K. Yoki
Thank you Sharon & Dave for all you do. You’ve been such a great source of information and we appreciate you so much 🙂 Sharon, I appreciate everything you do… you have always been such a big help to me with questions I had and the such.
Stacey Barley
The doctor let me know as my titers dropped to non detectable, lesion on lung is gone and I feel better! I’m following the diet…from Sharon Filip…I have for a year and it works!!!!! It saved my life! Thank you!!!
Cindy Parkes-Engel
I would also like to thank you from the bottom of my heart! You have opened a door of knowledge and wisdom to my son and I and we are greatly forever thankful! God bless you Sharon and David!
Mary Benavides
Thank you, both. “You get what you give”, “Pay it Forward”, etc all mean the same: you guys have tons of good will coming back. God willing, one day with national /international medical field’s acknowledgment and thanks; plus government’s. You already have that from the vf survivors’ world.
James Owens
I’m so grateful for all the information, love and support you two have offered us. Without this website, I would be lost. Thank you so much for all of your hard work!!
Dora Escobosa Navarro
Thank you Sharon. You both have helped my husband and I immensely. Your site, Valley Fever Survivor, has been like having a non judgmental friend by my side. Thank you for all you both do for us.
Miki Orr Ferretti-Busse
Sharon and her son Dave are an amazing source of information that you can rely on. I love this book [Valley Fever Epidemic] and re-read it quite often. Thank you so much for writing it. It continually amazes me how much more I know than a lot of the doctors because of it. I was with my husband recently at his ID [infectious disease doctor] appointment and was speaking with one of the nurses about VF. My husband’s appointment was not about VF, but a different issue. This particular male nurse was blown away by the information I was sharing with him and told me that I probably knew more than most of the doctors he works with. He was very interested and I gave him your contact info so he could purchase a copy for himself.
I am beyond grateful for you Sharon and Dave for all the hard work you do for all of us, and so happy to share information you have given us. You two have helped me so much with your wealth of information, and our family here [at the VFSSG] is amazing. This is a wonderful place with awesome information. You two are such a blessing for all of us.
Vicki Pilant
Thank you Sharon and Dave. Your help has been immeasurable!
Dwight Guild
I just want to express my gratitude to Sharon and Dave. I finally arrived at a place where I could follow Sharon’s advice and I gave up ALL forms of sugar. [Refined sugar is problematic for many health reasons and were counterproductive to her health goals.] I am still working on the rest of her advice in my wellness plan, but it made a RADICAL difference in improving my fatigue.
So grateful for you both and all that you have done for survivors and to move the research forward.
Thank you Sharon and Dave for getting this going and keeping it going. It is a lifeline for those of us with VF. There are so many people, doctors and family included who just don’t understand this. It is very difficult to live with this. I don’t know what I would do without you…
Sue Herwig
I’m so glad I found this group. If doctors barely even know what valley fever is chances are they have no clue how diet plays a role in this. I thought I was eating healthy before I found Sharon and David but so I realized my green shakes which consisted of bananas and apples and veggies were probably making me feel worse. I cut out fruit and all sugars and feel 100 times better. Not a coincidence! It’s one thing to “listen to your doctor” but if you want to try your hardest and have the highest possible chances of beating this disease I don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t at least try. [Referencing our VF Diet Plan to build the immune system]
Denise Roberts
Thank you, Sharon and Dave for your continuing work in educating us all. I think it’s the energy you both put into this group that is reflected in such caring support towards each other.
Mary Ann O’Neal
This group is awesome, there are no words to tell what a comfort it is to find out other people have the same complaints, pains, rash, blisters that I have been having. I am sorry for all you people but at the same time very grateful that you share your complaints so I know it is not all ‘in my head.” I go Sat. to get the blood tests , the nurse said will tell what antibodies are in my blood. Then I will know better how hard I can push to get strength back. Being 86 I know I will probably never walk my four miles a day again but I am going to try.
Hazel Tarr
Thank you for showing us the way to handle this disease!! I have learned so much from you!!
Sharon Billings Neal
Thank you and appreciate the love you share!!
Kathi Morrison-Hickerson
I found Sharon in 2010 – and made difficult but life saving sacrifices and changes in my life [following VFS research on nutrition], and here I am. Living with 1 year goals and reaching them so far every year.
Beth Unrein
Thank you David and Sharon for doing so much to help others.
Beverly Hopkins Heckford
So much valuable info in your book! Thank you for all the hard work! Thank you both for ALL of the work you do to spread knowledge of this horrible disease!
Stephanie Robinson Forbes
I am up at two in morning in pain so put my time to good use and finally ordered your book [Valley Fever Epidemic]!! This disease is much worse than I ever thought so I can’t wait to read this and educate myself! Thank God for you two and your knowledge you share with all of us!
Rochelle Higgs
You and David not only provide a wonderful resource for information, you also help out survivors when in need. God bless you and your family
Anita Soliz
Thank You all so much for being here!!!
Mcpherson Mac Maker Downs
Thank you so very much for your dedication to all of us. You two are so amazing. My heart swells with gratitude for all you do for us! Also, your strength and encouragement bring us hope for a healthy ‘new normal’ life! God bless you both.
Jan Sawyer
I would like to thank Sharon and David Filip for this incredible source of info and comfort. I look for information for my husband on this site daily.
Toni Kubiak
Thankful for this site, it had helped me greatly.
Shannon Serpa Johnson
Thank you Sharon, beautifully put. Learning how to live with this horrible disease is extremely stressful in itself. Each day is a struggle to get through and the constant fatigue and pain wears one down to the point of throwing in the towel. It is so refreshing to read a post full of understanding and caring. Thanks again for your uplifting words!!
Andy Huggins
I want to thank you for being so supportive when I was sick.
Jean Brannon
Research everything on their website [] and read every word you can about this disease. I feel they are among the very few who take this life-altering and fatal disease seriously. If a person has never had it or know someone who has, ppl often think it’s like having the flu and then you get over it, never realizing its’ consequences. Thank you to these two great ppl for the dedication, time, effort and money they devote to help educate and support we tens of thousands of suffers. I have a lot of love in my heart for the Filips and their work. God bless them.
Julie Russell
Thank you so much for all you and David do to help us navigate these scary waters.
Carmen Paregien
I have been on fluconozole 400mg a day but also eat lots of good vegetables and no processed sugars or food I only eat home cooked meals . [following Sharon and David’s pioneer work on foods to eat and avoid with active VF] Thank you Jesus and all of you for the info you share especially David and Sharon.
Jose Raul Covarrubias Cabeza
My daughter is making small but steady steps in the right direction. My daughter is a member of the medical community in Paso Robles and is receiving very good care. I credit her primary care physician in being aggressive and pushing for a diagnosis early on. Thank you for listening to me when I was frantic.
Mimie Roths
I would like to thank you for the great work you’re doing on behalf of all VF survivors, their families and future VF sufferers. Thank you Sharon, for giving us a voice!
Debi Ecobiza