vfe pro testimonials

“The authors have filled a need for a detailed understanding of San Joaquin Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis)…This volume is complete, up to date and accurate in describing this illness…”

Hans Einstein, MD, FACP, World’s Foremost Valley Fever Expertand Treatment Pioneer - Bakersfield, California

“I am overwhelmed and thrilled that someone has FINALLY written a book about Valley Fever…I found the book to be extremely enlightening, easy to read and easy to understand. More importantly, this book has vindicated me and many others afflicted with Coccidioidomycosis…Had this book been available when I was first diagnosed, it would not have taken me over a year, and several doctors, and many tests, to finally find the right doctor.”

Honey De Serre, Editor, The Bugler & The SentinelPublications of the Jewish War Veterans (JWV) of the USA

“A particularly appealing section of the book is devoted to personal accounts of individuals who survived infection with the Valley Fever pathogen. Many of these stories will be an inspiration to victims of the disease.”

Garry T. Cole, PhDProfessor of Biology, World Leading Valley Fever Vaccine Researcher

“This is a disease that many would just as soon sweep under the rug-you’ve laid the dust out where all can see!”

Sandra Larson, former VFAF Executive DirectorValley Fever Vaccine Project of the Americas: A Rotary District 5240 Project

“Immaculately researched and presented in language accessible to the lay reader with a dedicated glossary to facilitate understanding of medical literature.”

Dr Srijita Sen-Chowdhry MA, MBBS, MRCP, MD (Cantab.)Cardiologist, London, United Kingdom

“This is a valuable, well researched book and I would highly recommend it for patients, their family members, endemic area residents, and tourists.”

Dr. Craig M. Rundbaken, DO, FCCP, FACOIPulmonary/Valley Fever Clinic, Sun City West, Arizona

“Thank you for the opportunity to read and review your book titled ‘Valley Fever Epidemic’. My thoughts: Fills a need, Well written.”

Royce H. Johnson, MD, FACP, Chief of Infectious DiseaseDirector of Research at Kern Medical Center, Bakersfield, California

“The section ‘Helpful Hints for Your Doctor Visits’ would be good reading for any patient, no matter what their problems.”

Steven L. Oscherwitz, MD, Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicineand Infectious Diseases, Tempe, Arizona